Saturday, April 5, 2014

(Council of Scientific & Industrial Research)
Dr. K. S. Krishnan Marg, Pusa Campus, New Delhi -110 012
Advt. No: 1/III/2014-R&A 
Opening Date of Online Application: 9:00 AM, March 29, 2014 
Last Date of Online Submission of Application: 5:30 PM, April 29, 2014 
Last Date of receiving of Hard Copy/ Offline Application: 5:30 PM, May 06, 2014 
National Institute of Science Communication and Information Resources (NISCAIR) was
formed by the merger of erstwhile National Institute of Science Communication (NISCOM) and Indian
National Scientific Documentation Centre (INSDOC) on 30th September 2002. The emphasis of the
institute, since its inception, has been to preserve, synergize, and build upon the rich expertise and
resources of the erstwhile NISCOM and INSDOC, which had served the S&T community through their
excellent S&T information products and services for over five decades. NISCAIR is devoted to
science communication and dissemination of S&T information. Broadly, the core activity of NISCAIR
is to collect, collate, store, publish and disseminate S&T information, which benefits different
segments of the society. The institute offers wide range of information products and services ranging
from production of S&T publications, translation & interpretation from foreign languages to English
(scientific documents), human resource development in the area of science communication, library &
information science, IPR, herbarium techniques, etc. 
NISCAIR also undertakes projects in its area of activities. 
Applications are invited from the citizens of India for filling up the following positions at NISCAIR, New Delhi. Applicants are requested to carefully go through the full text of the advertisement on NISCAR Website regarding qualifications, subjects, fields of specializations and job requirements etc. prescribed for each position and then fill up the online application/ offline application form carefully. 
Post code 02 is reserved for orthopedically handicapped. 
The date of determining age limit/experience/ qualifications shall be the closing date of receipt of application i.e. May 06, 2014. 
Complete details including downloadable application form are given below link :

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